Charleston Coffee Roasters Digital Advertising

Long beloved in Charleston, SC, and surrounding areas, Charleston Coffee Roasters wanted to generate awareness in expanding markets by targeting high-end coffee drinkers with digital ads that spoke to its coffee’s heritage and uniquely rich flavors.

DCH worked with EMM Group to design creative for two digital display campaigns. A summer campaign targeted coffee buyers on mobile devices during the day and as they shopped in specific stores. A holiday campaign used the same mobile tactics but also targeted key consumers by using frequent shopper and purchaser data to deliver digital ads across a variety of online content areas.

In both campaigns, DCH put a promotional spin on CCR’s visual language with eye-catching typography, bold colors and warm/festive imagery to grab consumers’ attention and drive home the clever yet specialty-focused headlines.

Agency: EMM Group

Copywriter: Maryann Neary-Gill


Breit Biniazan


The Hodges Partnership